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Benefits of Choosing Renova Recycling Briquettes


Cost: The price of metal units is up to 50% more economical compared to scrap and pig iron, providing an excellent cost-benefit ratio.


Chemical Composition: Each batch of the product is analyzed with information on the manufacturing date and net weight in each package, ensuring traceability and quality of each batch.


Density: The high density of the product allows the mixing of briquettes with materials of lower density in the same basket or furnace, facilitating the loading and melting process.


Storage and Transportation: Briquettes can be delivered in bulk or in bags, and they can be transported in most trucks available in the market. This simplifies loading and unloading, reducing freight costs and allowing the storage of large quantities in limited spaces.


Reduction of Undesirable Effects in the Melting Process: Briquettes contribute to reducing the generation of undesirable effects during the melting process of metal chips, such as flames and fumes.


Reduction in Volumes Sent to Landfills: This contributes to meeting environmental and ESG goals.

We work to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Briquettes Renova reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 10%. This significant reduction is attributed to our cold briquetting process, which doesn't require high temperatures, unlike competing products such as pig iron or sinter, which consume substantial electricity or coal during their manufacturing.

Furthermore, during the briquetting process, a considerable amount of cutting oil is separated and recycled, preventing the burning of the material during briquette melting. Our state-of-the-art briquetting equipment has low electricity consumption per ton produced.

As a result, using Renova Briquettes not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also represents a proportional decrease in waste sent to landfills. This is an integral part of our mission, which continuously seeks to develop processes and technologies to reduce CO2 emissions, avoid material deposition in landfills, and mitigate environmental liabilities.

GRUPO RENOVA | All rights reserved

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